Scen från Shivudu Shivudu Shivudu

Shivudu Shivudu Shivudu


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Längd 2:24
Betyg: 6,6


Sivudu Sivudu Sivudu is action drama based movie in which, Chiranjeevi is a downtrodden villager named Sivudu who just wants to live along in his small world with his lady love (radhika) but falls as prey to the oppressors who are wealthy and powerful who beat him almost to death and kill his lover.He is rescued by a Guru (Jaggaiah) who trains him like a soldier and names him Shivudu to fight the Diwan ( RaoGopalrao)…

Vad har skrivits om Shivudu Shivudu Shivudu